The Importance of Basic Estate Planning
Admin • October 2, 2012

Many adults mistakenly believe that they do not need any estate planning documents.Every adult should have three important documents: a durable power of attorney; an advance medical directive; and a last will and testament.  These documents need to be prepared while the adult is competent. Even healthy young adults should have these documents as incapacity […]

By Admin May 18, 2021
Automobile insurance coverage can be a tad confusing and it is very important to have sufficient coverage in the event of bodily injury. By way of example, some years ago, one of my children’s caretakers “Sara” was in a very bad rear-end collision – she was sitting stopped at a red light and was hit […] The post Understanding How Automobile Insurance Works for Bodily Injury appeared first on Locke & Otto | Attorneys at Law in Richmond, VA.
By Admin May 17, 2018
Why is Estate Planning Important? Attorney Jeremy Pryor of Carrell Blanton Ferris talks about estate planning and why it is so important. The post May 16, 2018: Why is estate planning so important? appeared first on Locke & Otto | Attorneys at Law in Richmond, VA.
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